Tuesday, June 3, 2014

White House Schedule - June 3, 2014

President Barack Obama, with Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy, center, talks with EPA staff members who worked on the power-plant emissions standards, in the Rose Garden of the White House, June 2, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
In the morning, the President will arrive in Warsaw, Poland.Upon arrival at Warsaw Chopin Airport, the President and President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland will have an opportunity at the airport to meet with U.S. and Polish airmen who are supporting an aviation mission based at Lask Air Base. Following this event, the President will travel to Belweder Palace to take part in a bilateral meeting and joint press conference with President Komorowski. In the afternoon, the President will travel to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister to participate in a bilateral meeting and deliver statements to the press with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.  Later, the President will go to the Koniecpolski Palace to co-host with President Komorowski a meeting with Central and Eastern European leaders. Following the meeting, the leaders will gather for an official photo.  In the evening, the President will attend a Solidarity Dinner at the Royal Castle.The President will remain overnight in Poland.
3:50 AM
The President arrives Warsaw, Poland
Local Event Time: 
9:50 AM
Warsaw Chopin Airport
4:15 AM
The President and President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland meet with U.S. and Polish airmen
Local Event Time: 
10:15 AM
Warsaw Chopin Airport
4:55 AM
The President arrives at Belweder Palace
Local Event Time: 
10:55 AM
Belweder Palace - Warsaw
5:10 AM
The President participates in a bilateral meeting with President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland
Local Event Time: 
11:10 AM
Belweder Palace - Warsaw
6:30 AM
The President holds a joint press conference with President
Local Event Time: 
12:30 PM
Belweder Palace - Warsaw
7:30 AM
The President arrives at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Local Event Time: 
1:30 PM
Chancellery of the Prime Minister - Warsaw
7:40 AM
The President participates in a bilateral meeting with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk
Local Event Time: 
1:40 PM
Chancellery of the Prime Minister - Warsaw
8:25 AM
The President and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk deliver statements to the press
Local Event Time: 
2:25 PM
Chancellery of the Prime Minister - Warsaw
9:05 AM
The President and President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland greet participants of the meeting with Central and Eastern European Leaders
Local Event Time: 
3:05 PM
Koniecpolski Palace - Warsaw
9:15 AM
The President and President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland host a meeting with Central and Eastern European Leaders
Local Event Time: 
3:15 PM
Koniecpolski Palace - Warsaw
10:45 AM
The President joins the Central and Eastern European Leaders for a photo opportunity
Local Event Time: 
4:45 PM
Koniecpolski Palace - Warsaw
1:30 PM
The President attends a Solidarity Dinner
Local Event Time: 
7:30 PM
Royal Castle - Warsaw

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