Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kerry Travels To Middle East, Europe, and Northern Africa

Details of Travel to the Middle East, Europe, and Northern Africa November 2-12, 2013

Secretary of State John F. Kerry will travel to Cairo, Riyadh, Warsaw, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Amman, Abu Dhabi, Algiers, and Rabat from November 2 to November 12.
In Cairo, Secretary Kerry held bilateral discussions with officials.

In Riyadh, Secretary Kerry will meet with King Abdullah to discuss a wide range of bilateral and regional issues. He will reaffirm the strategic nature of the U.S.-Saudi relationship, given the importance of the work between our two countries on shared challenges, and the leadership Saudi Arabia provides for the region.

In Warsaw, Secretary Kerry will meet with senior Polish officials to discuss our close defense alliance and partnership with Poland across a range of global issues, as well as Poland’s key contributions on democracy promotion and in enhancing NATO capabilities. He also will meet with representatives of U.S. and Polish businesses and young innovators, highlighting our strong economic ties and mutual commitment to Transatlantic prosperity.

In Jerusalem and Bethlehem, he will meet with senior Israeli and Palestinian officials to discuss the ongoing final status negotiations as well as other regional issues of mutual concern. He will also discuss issues related to Iran with Israeli officials.

In Amman, Secretary Kerry will meet with senior Jordanian officials to discuss a wide range of bilateral and regional issues, as part of our continued close coordination on key issues.

In Abu Dhabi, he will meet with senior Emirati officials to continue our close coordination on bilateral and regional issues of mutual interest. This visit will provide the leaders the opportunity to discuss the important role the UAE plays in promoting stability and prosperity in the Middle East.

In Algiers, Secretary Kerry will meet with senior Algerian officials and co-chair the U.S.-Algeria Strategic Dialogue with Algerian Foreign Minister Lamamra. The dialogue, launched in October 2012, demonstrates our close coordination and strong partnership with Algeria on a range of issues including: political issues, security and counterterrorism, economics and civil society. The visit and the Strategic Dialogue mark the growing partnership between the United States and Algeria.

In Rabat, Secretary Kerry will co-chair the U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue with Moroccan Foreign Minister Mezouar and will meet with senior Moroccan officials to discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues. This dialogue, launched in September 2012, underscores our ongoing close cooperation with Morocco and will focus on four working groups: political, economic, security, and educational and cultural affairs. The Strategic Dialogue and visit will highlight the special and longstanding relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco.

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